In 1975 the computer graphics researcher Martin Newell used his Teapot to create one of the first computer modelled objects whilst working in the university of Utah. The Utah teapot has since become the standard 3d test model for computer modelling software – transforming the teapot from its human-use, to serve AI. 

In the plausible impossible world of object consciousness, what would this abundance of Utah teapots mean? There is a general fear of the existential threat posed by AI – often considering the AI to develop human-like consciousness and take over the world. Far more likely is existential threat through instrumental convergence. This describes the possibility for intelligent agents with unbounded but seemingly harmless goals to act in surprisingly harmful ways. Is there some AI willing the spread of Utah teapots? The Utah teapots are a product of conversations between the 12 jurors. In this sense, they continue in their legacy as 3D test objects – testing the system of dialogue.